Hollywood of Sweden
Hollywood of Sweden
The small town of Ystad with its old timber framed houses and cobblestone streets is a real gem on the southern coast of Sweden and is only a few minutes' walk away from the ferry terminal. Extraordinary museums and exciting sights await you here. You can even take an old train on wheels on a journey through time and explore the area!
In the heart of the former fishing town there is St. Mary's Church from 1200, the oldest building in the town and deeply entangled in the history of Ystad.
If you wait here only a few minutes in the evening, you will witness something absolutely exceptional: In the 51 meter high church tower the tower guard works; every quarter of an hour he play a little tune on a copper horn – all year round, every night, since the 18th century.
This profession only exists once in the world and that is here in Ystad.
To the east there is the Ystad Abbey which was opened in 1267 by Franciscan monks. At that time the city used to be Danish.
Fun fact: Back in those days the monasteries in Northern Europe were what social media are to us today. They served as news channels.
The monks were called "Grey Monks" by the people of Ystad because they wore simple, colourless robes.
In order to get enough food, the monks had to beg for bread, which also gave them the label "Menicant Friars".
Today, the building houses a popular museum where you can visit several temporary exhibitions in addition to learning about the unique monastery history. Church services are held regularly in the associated church of St. Peter.
In the closer surroundings you will find idyllic gardens such as the rose garden by the artist Maria Björklund or the apple garden with fig trees, almond trees and of course apple trees.
Herb lovers will have a pleasant time in the fragrant herb garden or the cabbage garden.
There is a reason why people call Ystad the "Hollywood of Sweden". For example, you can find the oldest cinema in Sweden here, the Biografteatern Scala.
At the Ystad Studios Visitor Center you will become a real film professional: Sneak yourself right into the next action movie using blue screen technology or create your own animations! In 2004, the Ystad Studios were founded here in Ystad but the big breakthrough only began with the filming of Henning Mankell's books about the Swedish investigator Kurt Wallander.